Drowsy Driver Just Like DUI Driver

Tired at the wheel

Tired at the wheel

The holidays are here and I know most of us are excited because we get to travel, and have fun as well as adventure. The excitement and anxiety that comes with holiday travel makes most of us not to sleep well yet we are supposed to be behind the wheel.

Well, worry not because I’ve got good news for you this holiday season!

One thing you should know is that your life is precious and so valuable that you ought to guard it with all you got. We want to see you next year looking as good as you are right now. So, don’t miss your one, two or more hours of sleep because if you do so, you end up getting more fatigued as you wake up. Such fatigue makes you feel tired and sleepy hence exposing you to the risk of a car crash, as a new report by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety finds.

The sad reality is that such a crash risk is similar to that which individuals face while under the influence of alcohol as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) connotes. My advice to you this festive season is that you should purpose to get as much sleep as possible in order to enjoy your holiday travel and have an exciting and intriguing holiday.

So, I know you’re probably wondering which the appropriate hours of sleep are for adults.

Well, scientifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that adults must sleep for at least 7 hours per night.

Thought you should know that the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety report denotes that the more hours of sleep you miss the more your risk of getting involved in a car crash increases compared to people that sleep for the recommended 7 hours.

My gift for you this festive season is the importance of sleeping.

Every time you feel sleepy while driving beware that you have one of the symptoms of drowsy driving. The other symptoms are forgetting the last few miles you have driven and drifting from your lane.

Guess What Folks!! Don’t wait for your body to give you warning signs so that you can know that you might be a victim of drowsy driving. Instead, purpose to stay true to the course of sleeping for at least 7 hours per night. Trust me out of experience, your body will always thank you and you will often see the difference if you practice this to the later.

I know it might be hard to actually sleep for the recommended 7 hours. To be honest, I am also struggling to make this my routine. But y’all should remember that practice practice makes perfect!!

FYI if you are travelling for long distances, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recommends that you: avoid eating heavy foods, avoid taking medications that cause impairment, take breaks while driving and most importantly have a passenger that can help you with your driving.

Stay safe! Sleep for the recommended hours! And most importantly enjoy this festive season!!

The Law Offices of Kevin C. Ford represent clients throughout Georgia, including folks who were injured or lost a loved one in car wrecks due to drowsy drivers. As such, the Law Offices of Kevin C. Ford is currently accepting these car crash cases throughout Georgia. And, if you or a loved one has been injured as the result of the negligence or fault of a driver, then please contact an experienced car accident attorney immediately for a free consultation. Mr. Ford can help clients obtain monetary compensation necessary to pay for past, present and future medical care and provide for a fresh start. Please contact us today for a free consultation.



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